This is a beautiful Censored cover from British interment camp 2 in Salisbury Southern Rhodesia (Tanganyika ) to Gotenhafen Switzerland.  Dated April 21, 1942.  In excellent condition. Covers from a interment camp in Africa POW camps are extremely rare.

Internment Camps

Southern Rhodesia – Camp No.2 (Tanganyika)

Camp No.2 was located south of Salisbury. Originally it was intended for Italian internees but later was allocated for women and children internees from Tanganyika.

Tanganyika supplied £40,000 for the construction of the compound to be completed in January, 1941. The planned camp was to consist of 80 blocks, serviced by six communal wash-houses. 160 cottages measured 12 x 10 feet with a small kitchen. These later became known as Beatrice Cottages. These cottages were intended to supply housing after the war.

The camp was closed in October, 1945.