ST Format Atari ST magazine issue 47 June 1993 with floppy disk.

Feature Stories:
  • Gripping Games!
    Explore the epics that grab your imagination
  • Upgrade your TOS. Step by step guides to massively improve your ST's performance
  • Xenemporph. Create the best St graphics ever with this glorious raytracing package

Games Reviewed:
  • Atomix - PD / Shareware  
  • Cohort 2 - Fighting for Rome - Impressions  
  • Colour Clash - PD / Shareware  
  • Creatures - Thalamus  
  • Crystal Kingdom Dizzy - Code Masters  
  • Football Tactician - PD / Shareware  
  • Graham Gooch World Class Cricket - Audiogenic  
  • Just Another Silly Sports Sim - PD / Shareware  
  • Mario's Quest - PD / Shareware  
  • McDonald Land - Virgin Games  
  • Psycho Pig 2 - PD / Shareware  
  • Quizmaster 1.2 - PD / Shareware  
  • Sleepwalker - Ocean  
  • Software Projects - PD / Shareware
Cover disk contents:
  • Stomp - Fiendish puzzle game - you'll be pulling  handfuls of hair out
  • DSP - Make your samples sound better with Digital Signal Processing
  • Abombinaball - Bounce about collecting exploding bombs
  • Picture Monitor - Convert pictures invisibly
  • Galaxian - Blast those alien scumbags
  • Legends Of Valour - Playable demo of this revolutionary role playing game (1MByte only)
  • Zip - Compress your files the ST Format way

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