Dogs have a reputation for chewing on anything they can get ahold of in a house. It is mainly puppies and younger dogs who chew on things because they are cutting teeth. However, older dogs do it as well.

Benefits of Chews and Bones for Dogs:

  • As we mentioned earlier, bones and chews provide a lot of benefits for dogs. They can even help curb behavioral problems. Dogs are natural chewers and having a bone or chew around might just stop your dog from feeling the need to chew up the couch or the corner of the family coffee table. Beyond keeping your furniture safe, they can also provide health benefits for your pet,
  • Dog bones improve your pet’s dental health. Veterinary dental experts agree that chewing bones can help keep your pet’s gums healthy, along with removing tartar and scraping away bacteria from the teeth.
  • Dog bones keep your pet mentally stimulated. Not only will dog bones keep your pet entertained, but they also provide mental stimulation, which is important to the growth and development of your pet’s brain.
  • Dog bones help relieve teething pain for puppies. Teething puppies will often feel the urge to chew as a means to alleviate teething discomfort. Bone chews and puppy toys can give your puppy a constructive way to comfort their teething pain.  
  • Dog bones improve jaw strength. Dogs naturally feel an urge to chew as a way to stimulate their jaw bones, since dog food diets do not provide dogs with enough jaw bone stimulation to keep them satiated. Dog bones can help prevent destructive chewing behavior and provide pets with adequate jaw exercise.