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                               CURE MY MOBILE

                          19 Great Hampton Row,


                                        B19 3JP

                                UNITED KINGDOM


we have Highly Trained Technicians

All our technicians are highly-trained, experienced repair technicians

Same day Delivery:

We will fix your phone same day we receive and post it back to you same day.


We will return your device by Tracked  24 Signature Royal Mail Service.

Your Data is Safe

We adhere strictly to data protection laws. Your data is completely safe with us. Also please set passcode with your devices, so nobody can access them.

No Fix, No Fee

In the unlikely event we can’t fix your device we will give you a full refund.

3 Months Manufacturer Warranty.Manufacturer warranty does not cover physical damage

We offer a 3 month warranty on all repairs.

We use only the highest Grade A quality Screen (make to the original specification) in our screen replacement. In addition, each screen is quality checked to be free of imperfetions.

Our front screen replacements include: