POLAND  -   Match Industry Plants  1955-1993


1972    Cars of the first decade, 20th century       

1) Illustrated Catalog of Polish match labels 1945-1966 - AW "Ruch" Warsaw 1967

2) Illustrated Catalog of Polish match labels 1967-1971, PZF Circle No. 22 - Warsaw 1972

3) Illustrated Catalog of Polish match labels 1972-1974, PZF Circle No. 22 - Warsaw 1975

G 262-266p.rst - Set of 8 Matchbox Label ( 4 topslabel+  4 labelreverse) - White paper - (labels the state as the scan)

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NOTE:allavailablelistings, including thoseat a pricebelow$1,you canbuydirectlyat the store-URL: :


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