Pfanstiehl 4210-D7, 210-D7, Audio Technica ATN51, Technica ATN51E, Technica ATN52, Technica ATN52E, Technica ATN53, Technica ATN53E, Technica ATN55, Technica ATN55E, Technica ATN57, Technica ATN57E, and many more.  Garrard GS-22E, Marantz TT-553, Sanyo ST-51D, Sony ND-144G.  Used in:  Audio Technica AT51, Technica AT51E, Technica 52, Technica AT52E, Technica AT-53, Technica AT53E, Technica AT-55XE, Technica AT-57XE, Technica AT-59XE and more.  Tip:  .7 mil conical diamond.  Tracking force:  1 to 1.8 grams.  Speeds:  33 & 45 RPM.  New.

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Model numbers are provided in manufacturer's references for the cartridge they installed in those models.  If the cartridge has been changed by a dealer or user, this needle will not be correct for the model numbers listed, as it is the cartridge that determines what needle is needed.  Be sure it looks like your old needle.