Yellow and Green Koi Fish Fresh Water Wall art  16x20 by Roosevelt Davis 


My Name is Roosevelt Davis 
International Artist, Author , Entrepreneur 

I remember 27 years ago . I was featured as Artist of the Year in Wjct Magazine and this magazine changed the way I saw art . I saw art as a created process of everything that I did moving forward writing  best selling books, starting business learning and researching all my crafts . 

Something to think about when chosen to do my first art gallery appearance

. I Believe in my craft so much I made a bold move and put a huge price on what I created and saw other artists put a price on their art as if ?  I wish someone made a choice to buy from them, some did, many did not. 

As they  saw my pieces of artwork many artists  were in a hater mood . Why? did he put such a ludicrous price . On his art he is not worth the price 

And who would ever buy. Guess what ? They did and still do today 

I have been featured in Galleries and more will come 
I am  in Million Dollar Homes and more will come and Billionaire homes and in future I will be in your home also.
I am in major Colleges  when i was attending  college 

I have been on a television show . Such as the Smart Guy just to name one 

I am BusinessMan who is a Artist and who have wrote books and consult will business owner throughout  the globe 

 So when you buy my art you are buy a piece of history that you can pass down to one generation to another 

 I will ship this Canvas piece 16x20 with Bubble Wrap Heavy  in an Irregular Box and will be a heavy pack for protection and for long distance travel . Insurance is on every . So enjoy your piece of art .We thank you ahead of time 

Now for me I will be adding Art events across the United State and international Again to Showcase my Art. 

You can learn more on Roosevelt Davis Art Dot Come 

Thank you 

Roosevelt Davis