Boiron Histaminum Hydrochloricum Multi Dose Pellets

Causes & Symptoms for Histaminum

Mind and Head

Impatient, uneasy, with need to move from one place to another aimlessly.

Slowness and difficulty in understanding, great anxiety and anguish.

Tendency to quarrel and be abrupt, especially in relationships.

Mouth and Throat

Neuralgic pains in the face are relieved with help of this medicine.

Stomach and abdomen

Pain and gastric constriction when receiving news or remembering a painful experience

Urinary complaints

Pain while passing urine. Burning pains are relieved with Histaminum.


Itching of skin, great heat felt on the body is relieved with Histaminum.


Dryness of the mucous membranes, allergies, sneezing, cold.

Side effects of Histaminum 

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Dosage and rules while taking Histaminum

Take 5 pellets three times a day.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.