RCA Victor
45-EY-2  RP-168  RP-190
45 RPM  Record Player
Repair & Restoration Kit

This Kit Contains All The Essential Restoration Parts
To Restore Power & Dependability To Your Classic
RCA Victor 45-EY-2
Automatic Record Player

This Kit Includes All Of The Following:

 (1) Precision Machined "Forever" Idler Wheel
 (1) Cycle-Cam Rubber Extrusion With Instructions
 (3) Motor Mount Grommets
 (1) RCA Victor Data CD
 (1) SAE 10 Oil for Drive Motor & Idler Wheel


A brief history of the "Forever" replacement idler wheel
for RCA Victor "45" only Record Players & Phonographs.



My family has a connection to the aviation industry that starts
in the 1930's with my grandfather who was an "estimator" for
aircraft manufacturers . No computers back then, all done by "hand"

Both of my brother-in-laws were military pilots who later flew for
many years with the airlines.

The father of my best friend in college was a master machinist who
worked for Hughes Aircraft Company in Culver City, California.

My next door neighbor owned an FBO with a Beechcraft franchise.

My daughter started out as a private pilot, then instrument rated,
then a CFI, then a CFI instrument rated, until now she flies"Captain"
with a major US airline.

So, there was always someone who knew someone in the aviation industry.

In the 1990's when I needed dependable replacement idler wheels for my
collection of RCA Victor "45" record players, it was my good fortune
to have an extremely experienced aviation engineer design the identical
item I still share with other enthusiasts today. It was no surprise that the
original engineering specified high-quality aluminum and o-rings as used
for aircraft design. In addition, an "Oilite" oil-impregnated main bearing
was included in the design.

I still retain the original drawings, shown here blurred for obvious reasons.

Yes, over the years this design has been "reversed" engineered using different,
mostly inferior materials, but never correctly as only I have the original drawings.

At the time "naysayers" who were mostly individuals who tried to "re-rubber"
40 year old idlers with worn out center holes said: "Oh, that will never work,
not enough rubber, not enough contact. Yes, they were quite "WRONG"
We have made and sold thousands of our "Forever" idler wheels
over the last 30 years.