WHAT A GORGEOUS PIECE OF SPECTROLITE LABADORITE, nice thick large Cabachon, in a very pretty Tree-of-Life setting.

I have never witnessed the Northern Lights. Until such time as I do, Labradorite will be my GO-TO crystal gemstone! It can look very dark and still, almost dull....then you move the stone and *FLASH* the blue, then *FLASH* the gold, you get both colors in this one! This phenomena is so special, it has its own name: Labradorescence.....such a magickal stone!! Spectrolite Labradorite is from Finland, and is SO VERY SPECIAL. 

This piece is handcrafted with a .925 Sterling Silver base, and three-color Sterling wire (Silver, Gold, Copper). We have given you many different photo views of this piece, in varying light, so you can appreciate its beauty. Please view them all, and thank you!


The Tree of Life has a variety of meanings which includes knowledge, wisdom, and an insight within one’s self. It is a symbol to obtain focus in a quest to find awareness and knowledge.

It also represents the ability to maintain a focus is to be aware of what is going on around you, to find that meditative state. Some will aspire to find this focus by wearing a necklace or a charm of some sort.  There is anything from rings, to earring designs or bracelet designs with the Tree of Life.

Breaking down the meaning of Tree of Life jewelry can be a bit confusing to some.  There are also spiritual and religious meanings to many. Here are some of the most common:

In Buddhism, the Bodhi Tree is where Buddha received enlightenment. The symbol is also associated with wisdom in the book of Proverbs. The Nordic cultures believed the Tree of Life is a magical fount on knowledge.

In Christianity, when Adam fell, God blocked his path to the Tree of Life. According to the Bible, the hope of fallen people is to attain the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life in fact symbolizes an ideal man, who has fully realized the ideal of creation. The Tree of Life thus symbolizes Perfected Adam. Genesis 3:22-24 New International Version (NIV)
22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” 23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side[a] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Personally, we think it pertains to "As Above, So Below", meaning we need to make our own Heaven on Earth, or, in a deeper meaning, that we must acknowledge and respect our roots or where we come from....both in the geographical aspect, AND OUR ANCESTORS. We all have a Family Tree....and Tree of Life acknowledges that!

Tree of Life symbolism has a long history, crossing many cultures. While it would be overwhelming to explain its significance to each culture, the Tree of Life has overarching themes and meanings that span across many peoples.

As a symbol of connection to all things. The Tree has roots that reach deeply into the soil, acknowledging its connection to, and accepting nourishment from, Mother Earth. Leaves and branches extend into the sky, acknowledging Father Sun and accepting the energy that it transforms into nourishment.

The Tree of Life means that you are not an island, but are deeply connected to the world around you and dependent on it for your ability to grow and thrive.

A symbol of family and connection to your ancestors. A Tree symbolizes the generations of your family; a tree sprouts from a seed, grows and branches out, sees how far it can go, and then creates a new fruit that gives life to the next generation, to begin anew.

The Tree of Life also symbolizes family through its intricate network of branches, showing us the continuity through all generations. We are connected through ever-expanding branches to our parents and grandparents and to our children and our childrens' children.

As a symbol of your growth into a beautiful and unique person. When Trees are young, they pretty much all look the same. But, as they grow older, they weather storms and are battered by the forces of wind and water.

Their branches may break and grow back in a different direction, or the very soil beneath them will erode away, causing them to grow even stronger roots to hold on.

Over time, they become very unique and beautiful in their eccentricity and idiosyncrasies. They are just as we all wish to become – shaped into fascinating, intriguing individuals who have weathered hardships and broad experiences in life that have made us into who we are.

As a symbol of rebirth. In the Fall, most Trees lose their leaves and enter a death-like hibernation for a few months. But come Spring, the Tree sprouts tiny buds, bursts forth with dramatic blooms and leaves and is born again.

In this way, the Tree of Life is a symbol of a fresh start on life, positive energy, good health and a bright future.

As a symbol of immortality. A Tree grows old, yet it bears seeds that contain its very essence and in this way, the Tree becomes immortal.

As a symbol of growth and strength. A young Tree starts out with shallow roots that strengthen and grow deeper over time. Branches start as small buds and stretch upwards, reaching for the sun and sky. Just like this Tree, a person grows stronger over time and strives for greater knowledge and new experiences.

The Celtic people felt a deep connection to nature, especially towards Trees. Trees were not simply inanimate objects to be used for food and shelter, but were also places to gather, with spiritual connections to ancestors, deities and the Celtic Otherworld.

This reverence towards trees grew out of a profound appreciation for what Trees provide for us. The Celts felt that, without Trees, life would have been much more difficult. Trees provided food, shelter, warmth (through firewood) and a home for many animals and insects.

When Celtic people cleared a piece of land, they would leave one large, single Tree in the middle, believing it had special powers to take care of all life on earth. This Tree was called the Crann Bethadh. It was considered so powerful, that the Celts believed that cutting down the sacred Tree of an enemy would render them helpless.

In addition to having the power to take care of life on Earth, Trees also had connections to the supernatural world, to spirits and ancestors. The Celtic word for ‘Oak’ is ‘daur’, the origin of the modern word ‘door’. Thus, the root of the word actually signifies a doorway to the ‘Otherworld’, the realm of the dead and other powerful spirits.

To this day, one can pass through the Celt countryside and find Trees decorated with ribbons. These Trees, also known as Wishing Trees, Fairy Trees or May Bushes, are places where people tie ribbons to ask for blessings from Saints, Spirits and Faeries/Fairies.

The Celtic Tree symbol was a symbol of the nourishing powers of Mother Earth, a connection to ancestors and the spirit world and a representation of the journey of spiritual growth.The Celtic knot Tree of Life has branches that reach into the sky and roots that dig into the earth, all of these join into the endless circle of the knot, symbolizing the interconnectedness of Heaven, Earth and all living things.

Not just for wearing, but this one can be used in your meditation or as a protective's very versatile! Please know that we hand-pick all of our items, for their beauty AND meaning, and only a small percentage make the cut for our customers.

Here are facts and lore concerning LABRADORITE ("The Stone of The Northern Lights"), from 

Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities.

Labradorite is also the most powerful protector of the mineral kingdom, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness and in facilitating visionary experiences from the past or the future. [Ahsian, 226]

Labradorite is a member of the Feldspar family and is treasured for its remarkable play of color, known as labradorescence. The stone, usually gray-green, dark gray, black or grayish-white, is composed in aggregate layers that refract light as iridescent flashes of peacock blue, gold, pale green, or coppery red. The predominant blue varies within the light, displaying hues from deepest blue to various shades of pale, almost blue-green. It was discovered in Labrador, Canada, by Moravian missionaries in 1770 who named it for the area. It is, however, referenced in legends by older Inuit tribes, and was known to be in use by the Boethuk peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador. It became a popular gem in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [Simmons, 225][Eason, 163][Melody, 367]

Rarer varieties of Labradorite include Golden Labradorite, a transparent gold or champagne-color, and Spectrolite, an intense variety displaying the entire color spectrum, discovered in Finland in the 1940s.

Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one's innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds, and permits a safe and grounded return to the present. [Simmons, 225]

As a workplace stone, Labradorite brings out the best in people, making work life more congenial. It encourages courtesy and full attention to the customer, and assists part-time and temporary staff in becoming fully involved in a company. [Eason, 163]

Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless or impulsive behavior in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs. [Megemont, 109][Eason, 163]

Labradorite helps develop the hands' sensitivity, making it useful for physiotherapists and all who use the power of touch to heal. [Megemont, 109]

Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism. [Eason, 163][Melody, 368]

It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMS symptoms, and for pain relief. [Eason, 163][Melody, 368][Hall, 170]

Labradorite lowers blood pressure, reduces sensitivity to cold, and alleviates rheumatism and gout. [Eason, 163][Hall, 170][Gienger, 54]

Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing in new ideas. [Hall, 170] It is a wonderful tool for returning joy and spontaneity back to one's life. It helps eliminate the emotional drain of daily routine or being weighed down by responsibility, and awakens a sense of adventure and change. [Eason, 163]

As the matriarch of the subconscious mind, Labradorite brings forgotten memories to light and facilitates their understanding. It encourages contemplation and introspection, bringing the clarity of intellectual thought and intuitive wisdom to help dispel illusion, determine the root cause of an issue, and bring one to peace. It is an uplifting crystal, helping to banish fears and insecurities while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself and trust in the universe. [Melody, 367][Hall, 170][Gienger, 54]

Labradorite radiates a predominant blue crystal energy that stimulates the Throat Chakra, the voice of the body. It is, in essence, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked, or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. When the throat chakra is in balance and open, it allows for the expression of what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions, bringing our personal truth out into the world. We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release. Darker shades of blue encourage the power of truth, while lighter shades carry the power of flexibility, relaxation, and balance. Labradorite, with its iridescent flashes of color, can be very beneficial in uniting all of the chakras.

Golden Labradorite assists in opening the lower chakras during ritual or magical practices, while Spectrolite works with one's "Rainbow Body" to enhance awareness of the higher realms. [Simmons, 226]

Labradorite's energy allows one to penetrate the veils of the Void, where all knowledge and possibility are held. It is the place of potential and the source of creation, and for shamans, magicians, and Light workers, Labradorite acts as a protective ally in recalling experiences from other realms, other times and other lives. It assists in moving between the worlds, and in bringing to this realm the creations which are for the highest good of all beings. [Ahsian, 226]

Labradorite is a powerful protector of the aura, preventing energy leakage, and others from tapping into and draining your personal energy. It ensures all elemental forces are empowered and proportional within one's system. [Ahsian, 226] It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas. [Melody, 368][Hall, 170]

Referred to as the "temple of the stars," Labradorite is thought to bring the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user. Its labradorescence is believed to be of extra-terrestrial origins, and enclosed in the mineral to bring the evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth plane. [Melody, 367]

Labradorite shimmers in blues, the colors of ice and the slowly lightening winter sky as the deep violets depart and the sun climbs higher each day. As winter gives way to spring, and new life is ready to burst forth, blue marks the beginning of life and emotion. Blue crystals bring trust, faith, patience, and respect, lending the focus we need to become more sincere, act more responsibly, and become more trustworthy.

Light blue crystals help us accept the life we have, develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They're excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt. Darker blue talismans enhance the respect and compassion we have within ourselves. They teach us humanity, discretion, and honor, and encourage us to act more charitably and focus our efforts on service to others.

Meditating with Labradorite allows one to recognize humanity as "being of light," transcending limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It allows one to "be" and rest assured the light is always there, surrounding and pure. [Melody, 368]

Meditate with Golden Labradorite to open channels to the higher realms of archangels. Spiral through and above your hair to mend tears in your aura. [Eason, 102]

Meditating with Spectrolite raises consciousness and facilitates multi- and inter-dimensional journeying. Holding profound esoteric wisdom, it takes you into other lives and prepares the body and soul for ascension. [Hall II, 326]

The Divinatory meaning of Labradorite: You may have to temporarily make the best of a less-than-ideal situation, but soon will be able to do things your way. [Eason, 163]

REQUIRED LEGAL MUMBO-JUMBO: All metaphysical auctions are for entertainment purposes only, and any paranormal/metaphysical experiences vary. We are not liable for any experiences you do or do not have from this item. Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, and are NOT prescriptions or healthcare information. You must be 18 or older to bid and purchase.

PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR STERLING SILVER JEWELRY. Do not shower, bathe, wash dishes, or immerse your jewelry for periods of time in hot water....and we also recommend you not sleep with it on. The reason is that Sterling Silver is softer than gold, and constantly exposing it to temperature extremes could result in the loss of a stone, or loosening of the setting. You should also wipe your jewelry with a cleaning cloth when you remove it, prior to storing it. That help remove body salts, oils, lotions, etc., so that your Silver doesn't "pit". We cannot be responsible for what you do with jewelry once it is in your possession, so these are some helpful hints to make your jewelry last well into future generations. :)



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And remember kids...GET IT FROM THE GODDESS!