Two original Polish lavvu ponchos size II for a soldier 170 - 180 cm tall, color: green (khaki, olive) - it is one large tipi tent Original lavvu poncho of Polish production, brand new, perfect, coming from the warehouses of the Polish Army
Sleeping in such a canvas tent, the specific atmosphere of raw canvas - is a unique experience

Size II is slightly smaller than the sought after size III - see the last photo - two metal rings vertically is size II - and it is at a much better price, now even lower Polish production - a product of the highest quality for many years of operation The frame consists of two or three posts plus four khaki-covered pegs - it is a set for one poncho, so you will receive two such sets From two ponchos and two frames that you will buy at this auction - you can make one tipi tent with a diagonal of ~ 2.5 meters and a height of ~ 1.5 meters Auction price and shipping cost - applies to two ponchos and two frames - one complete tipi tent Below is an example of a modification of a Polish lavv poncho You can do it yourself, modification is not included in this offer It is made of high-quality, impregnated, waterproof canvas in green/olive/khaki The poncho is made of thick impregnated canvas Impregnation is the soaking / soaking of the canvas with resin solutions, dissolved wax and other chemicals. The process is aimed at strengthening and protecting the material against the harmful effects of moisture, mould, insects, fire, etc., Impregnation leaves no noticeable traces and odors. The canvas tent is the most fire-resistant, e.g. sparks from fire, etc. and only such tents are suitable for heating with a wood-burning stove Impregnation is key Impregnation is located on the outside of the poncho, which means that moisture is drained from the inside and is not let in to the outside A tent made of two lavvu ponchos made of canvas - it has the property that it dries at the same time in light rain An additional advantage of the poncho is that it is very windproof Sleeping in such a canvas tent, the specific atmosphere of raw canvas - it's unique Shipping - all countries in the world Note: Please unpack carefully