Bronze Age Palstave Axe Hoard, c.1200 BC - these are 3,000 Years Old!!

Two Bronze Age axes, found together so a hoard. Both have contemporary respires - these were very expensive items 3,000 years ago!

New message to: lan6800 (15YELLOW_STAR Star)

PAS liaison officer returned these to the finder who then put them in auction (TimeLine Auction I think?) I bought them off the buyer when he sold up.

Ebay seem to be losing my second images, sometimes even the first!  Everything should have a heads and tails if it’s a coin.  If you see anything that looks like its missing an image or two, please let me know and Ill sort it. Thnx!

Just to be clear, all my images are done on a not-very-good iPhone camera - in fact I list everything from start to finish on my phone.  As such, the images will be basic and certainly not enhanced in any way (more like de-hanced on my phone!!).

Post Office Posting Days:

Due to this horrible worldwide pandemic, my Post Office ALWAYS has at least a 20 minute queue.  So in order to keep everyone safe, I think it best that I only post on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS (their quietest days).  Thank you for your patience and understanding during these worrying times.