10 Pcs Sugar Maple Tree Seeds/P060/Acer saccharum/ Beautiful Decidious Tree/ RocK Maple Tree/ Can Live for over 200 Years!

If you are thinking of planting sugar maple trees, you probably already know that sugar maple are among the best-loved trees on the continent. Four states have picked this tree as their state tree – New York, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Vermont – and it is also the national tree of Canada. While grown commercially for its sweet syrup and value as lumber, sugar maple also makes an attractive addition to your backyard. Read on for more sugar maple tree facts and to learn how to grow a sugar maple tree.
Acer saccharum, the sugar maple or rock maple, is a species of flowering plant in the soapberry and lychee family Sapindaceae. It is native to the hardwood forests of eastern Canada, from Nova Scotia west through southern Quebec, central and southern Ontario to southeastern Manitoba around Lake of the Woods, and the northern parts of the central and northeastern United States, from Minnesota eastward to Massachusetts.[3] Sugar maple is best known for being the primary source of maple syrup and for its brightly colored fall foliage

What it looks like
The sugar maple is a large tree that can grow up to 35 metres tall and can live for more than 200 years. Its yellowish-green leaves are 8 to 20 centimetres long, and have five lobes. The shape of the leaf is well known — it’s found on the Canadian flag and the sugar maple is the national tree of Canada. In the fall, the sugar maple’s leaves turn yellow, brilliant orange or red. Its bark is smooth and gray, and becomes darker and splits into ridges that curl out as the tree gets older. Seeds from the sugar maple are contained in "keys" which are 30 to 35 millimetres long. Seed is produced every year, with an abundant crop every 7 years.
The sugar maple stands out in a landscape. Medium to dark-green leaves turn yellow, burnt orange, and red in the fall. This tree tolerates shade, likes a well-drained, moderately moist, and fertile soil. One should not plant this tree in confined areas or where salt is a problem. This tree grows 60’ to 75’ and spreads 40’ to 50’.
Besides providing beautiful borders to many miles of highway, and hundreds of thousands of gallons of maple syrup, it yields a wood of high grade. The wood is hard, strong, close-grained, and tough, with a fine, satiny surface. It is in great demand for flooring, veneer, interior finish, furniture, and as a fuel wood of the best quality.
Where it is found
The sugar maple is found in central and southern Ontario.

Growing Sugar Maple Tree:
 Stratification of tree seed occurs naturally outdoors through the winter. Sowing tree seeds outdoors in the fall takes advantage of this natural effect. To stratify indoors, mix the seed with a moistened, sterile, peat based growing medium in a container, wrap in a ventilated bag, and place it in a refrigerator for 12 to 20 weeks. In the spring plant the seed in a sheltered spot outside to grow into seedlings. Transplant to permanent site when well rooted.

Planting Tips
Size: 35 metres tall, 90 centimetres in diametre
Moisture: Prefers moist soil
Shade: Can tolerate shade but grows better when it gets full sun
Soil: Prefers deep and rich soil
Sugar maples do best in deep, rich and well-drained soil. Its roots are deep and wide spreading, and it’s a large and strong tree, ideal for use as a shade tree.

Acer saccharum is a deciduous tree normally reaching heights of 25–35 m (80–115 ft),[5][6] and exceptionally up to 45 m (148 ft).[7] A 10-year-old tree is typically about 5 m (16 ft) tall. Although heights of 120 feet are possible, few sugar maples exceed 70 feet. As with most trees, forest-grown sugar maples form a much taller trunk and narrower canopy than open-growth ones.