200 Pcs Stocks Night Scented Flower Mix Seeds- Matthiola Bicornis-FL261-Easy to germinate/ attractive annual

 Night Scented Stock seeds are very easy to germinate, and this highly attractive annual flower is also called Evening Scented Stock, Perfume Plant, and Matthiola Bicornis. Night Scented Stock is a compact growing plant that produces mounds of small, lilac-colored blossoms with powerful lily-like scent. The Evening Scented Stock flowers open in the late afternoon to evening and emits delightful fragrance that fills the cool, calm evening air and attracts bees and butterflies.
Night Scented Stock Matthiola is a popular annual garden flower native to Europe. Stock (Matthiola Bicornis) imparts a sweet scent often compared to spicy cloves
Night Scented Stock is a great garden flower particularly for small, urban gardens that are well suited for plants that begin to release their perfume as the sun goes down, and areas enclosed or partly surrounded by shrubs, hedges or walls are ideal for holding wafting, evening fragrance. When Evening Scented Stock is planted close enough to a house - below windows, patio tubs, window boxes, and hanging baskets, the beautiful fragrance will be noticed, and if there is less chance of air movement, scents become trapped and more concentrated. Matthiola seeds germinate quickly, and the fast growing Night Scented Stock flower thrives in sunshine and dry soil with occasional watering provided.
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or direct sow outdoors after last frost. Seeds take 7-14 days to germinate at an ideal soil temperature of 12-18°C (55-65°F).
Stocks are very susceptible to damping off. Sow on the surface of vermiculite under bright light, with some ventilation nearby. Water only from below. Pot on into sterilized potting soil once plants are large enough to handle, and space them in the garden at 15-23cm (6-9″) apart.
Moist, well-drained, fertile soil is best, with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. Pinch out side shoots for taller plants. Crowding plants encourages earlier blooming. Water regularly and feed lightly every month.
Season: Annual
Height: 6-12 Inches
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer/Fall
Environment: Sun/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Average/Dry/Moist well-drained, pH 5.8-6.8
Hardiness Zones: All Regions of North America

Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (4-6 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Spring/Summer/Fall
Seed Depth: 1/16 Inch
Germination Time: 7-14

Planting Indoors:
Disinfect the seedling flats by washing them in a solution of nine parts water and one part household liquid bleach. Rinse them thoroughly in clear water. Fill the flats with moist, sterile potting medium.
Scatter the tiny stock seeds over the surface of the moist growing medium. Press the seeds into the surface, but do not cover the seeds. Cover the flats with clear plastic wrap to contain moisture, if desired.
Place the flat where it receives 12 to 14 hours of light daily. Seeds should germinate in seven to 14 days. Stock seedlings grow best in cool room temperatures of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The seedlings grow rapidly and are ready to transplant outdoors about six weeks after germination.

Planting Outdoors:

Prepare a seed bed by tilling humus-rich soil, reducing it to fine particles. Incorporate compost to add humus. Locate the bed in full sun with well-draining soil that has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, ideally about 7.0 to 7.5 on a soil pH meter. Incorporate garden lime to correct acidic soil, following the instructions with the pH meter or the amendment for the specific pH level of your soil. Rake the seed bed smooth and level.
Mist the surface of the prepared soil lightly to moisten it, using a spray bottle or a fine-mist spray nozzle on a garden hose. By beginning with moist soil, you eliminate the danger of washing away the tiny stock seeds.
Sprinkle the stock seeds over the soil surface. Carefully press them into the soil surface. Do not cover the seeds.
Mist the seed bed lightly each day to keep the soil moist but not wet. The seeds should germinate in about a week. Transplant the seedlings when they are about six weeks old.

Sow stock seeds indoors in early spring so that the plants are ready to go outside on the last frost date for early-summer blooms. Sow the seeds successively, and set the plants out in fall for late fall or winter flowers in Mediterranean climates.
Thin stock seedlings to stand about 4 inches apart. Transplant them to the garden in rows or in clumps. Small varieties grow well in containers, and you can move the containers to cooler locations as summer approaches to prolong their blooming period.
Fertilize stock seedlings with diluted fish emulsion fertilizer when the first true leaves have developed and again when transplanting them.
Stock plants need cool temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit to set flower buds. When daytime temperatures regularly reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the plants stop blooming and go to seed.