BOOK: God's Great Global Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great Reset.” Knowledge You Need for Times Such as These Great Tribulations

An Excerpt: What a crazy world we live in. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the worn out “narrative” about some elite clan’s nefarious nightmare for the world that they call the “Great Reset.” I am tired of their “Devil’s Radio” that never has good news to report and consists of nothing but gossip, wars, rumors of wars and famine — nonstop. I don’t even want to hear about any of it anymore, whether from a preacher on YouTube, “alt-media,” or even from the famed Alex Jones. I am tired of the pain and suffering and death and destruction with not enough people doing anything about it. I am on a different “reset” and have been for a very long time--since at least 2008 and perhaps even much earlier than that. But don’t get me wrong: I do keep up with what’s going on in the world and I want to do something about it. So go ahead and read all about the Great Reset, but what I have learned is that it takes divine intervention in concert with real, sustained actions on our part. How do we become recipients of that divine intervention?

The Great Global Treasure Hunt has already begun! In fact, the High Priest, Jesus, kicked it off on Valentine’s Day, 2022, just as He had told me He would, with a loving message for the whole world. But unless you know how to treasure hunt, you probably missed His message, so you will have to read the book to find out what the message was and how he gave it to the whole world. He will guide His people to extraordinary treasures all over the world, sending them guides, comforters, and special messages. He is the Good Shepherd.

My treasure hunting began in 2009 with finding a special and very profound treasure in my own back yard by listening to my teachers and following their instructions. Now you can follow along on some of the interesting initiations that began with the treasure I found in my back yard and then had me traversing all over the United States. From a sacred Kings Valley to the Pacific Coast, and all the way to Tennessee and the South Carolina Coast, the adventures were challenging and even hilariously funny at times, and the treasures were amazing.

Jesus will lead The Way. Do not be surprised at all if, as you read this book, you start finding treasures in your own neck of the woods, maybe even in your own backyard.

Don’t miss out! Start treasure hunting today! This book is an introduction for beginners and pros, alike.

The Great Global Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great Reset.” 111 pages, more than 80 color photos and illustrations.

Written/Published/Printed by Vanessa (aka "Psyche").
8-1/2 x 11 inches, spiral bound
111 pages