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Titolo: A Catalog of Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 0231205430
EAN: 9780231205436
ISBN: 9780231205436
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 21/06/2022
Description: Dung Kai-cheung’s A Catalog of Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On is a playful and imaginative glimpse into the consumerist dreamscape of late-nineties Hong Kong. First published in 1999, it comprises ninety-nine sketches of life just after the handover of the former British colony to China. Each of these stories in miniature begins from a piece of ephemera, usually consumer products or pop culture phenomena, and develops alternately comic and poignant snapshots of urban life.

Dung’s sketches center on once-trendy items that evoke the world at the turn of the millennium, such as Hello Kitty, Final Fantasy VIII, a Windows 98 disk, a clamshell mobile phone, Air Jordans, and cargo shorts. The protagonist of each piece, typically a young woman, is struck by an odd, even overriding obsession with an object or fad. Characters embark on brief dalliances or relationships lasting no longer than the fashions that sparked them. Dung blends vivid everyday details—Portuguese egg tarts, Japanese TV shows, the Hong Kong subway—with situations that are often fantastical or preposterous. This catalog of vanished products illuminates how people use objects to define and even invent their own selves. A major work from one of Hong Kong’s most gifted and original writers, Dung’s archaeology of the end of the twentieth century speaks to perennial questions about consumerism, nostalgia, and identity.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 216mm
Lunghezza: 140mm
Autore: Kai-cheung Dung
Traducción: Bonnie S. McDougall, Anders Hansson
Contribuyente: Bonnie S. McDougall (Translated by), Anders Hansson (Translated by)
Genere: Society & Culture
Serie: Weatherhead Books on Asia
Title Format: Paperback
Soggetto: Fiction
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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