14.3 Ounce Piece Of Red Jasper From East Arizona, Great Stone For Cabs & Jewelry-

We don't run across many semi-precious stones out here, but there are a few that are just wonderful to work with. 
My property adjoins Buckskin Canyon, and in a low spot I dig and find these. 
The red jasper we find out here sometimes has black or white streaks through it, this piece is really nice with layering shades of red, a few streaks of quartz, and some very minute black streaks.
It's pretty easy to work with and has a hardness of about 6. We made and sold a lot of jewelry with this stone, it grinds and shapes easily, but is still hard enough to hold a nice polish. What you see is exactly what you get, I clean these with only water and a plastic bristle brush, and I don't doctor my photos at all. Thanks for looking!