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Titre: Grandkid Rock
Condition: Neuf
Format: CD
EAN: 0884501452335
Genre: Musique pour enfants
REVIEWS: Time Out Chicago - Kids more interested in rock & roll than Rihanna will air-guitar along to Daddy A Go Go's twangy tunes. This greatest-hits compilation demonstrates what Daddy does best: relaying his stay-at-home parental experiences through silly songs like "I Wanna Be an Action Figure" and "Ants in My Pants." The next time your kids are turning green at the dinner table, throw on a little "Eat Every Bean and Pea on Your Plate" to convince them that only the coolest kids savor their salads. Hey, a little peer pressure never hurts. (Thank You Time Out Chicago) GEORGIA MUSIC MAGAZINE - If you haven't listened to a children's music album lately, it might be surprising to hear how much the genre has matured since the old days of "On Top Of Spaghetti" and "Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends." Atlanta-based pop-rocker (and former CNN producer) John Boydston has been recording great tunes for kids under the name Daddy A Go Go for over a decade- so long that the sons he used to write songs for are now teenagers old enough to accompany him in his live band. His latest album features remixed and remastered versions of songs from his seven previous CDs, five of which made it onto Amazon's "Best of the Year" critics' list. Where his last album (Come On, Get Happy) featuring songs aimed at the younger set, uptempo rave-ups such as "I Wanna Be An Action Figure," "Big Rock Rooster" and "Ants In My Pants" are clearly design to get teens and tweens a-boppin'. Most of the songs are original, featuring Boydston's mixture of cheeky humor and classic rock riffs, but even covers like "What A Wonderful World" and "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah" are imbued with his distinctive personality. Even if you don't have kids, it's pretty difficult to deny the infectious cleverness of a tune like the Dick Dale-influenced "You're Not The Bossa Nova Me." He may not exactly rock the casbah, but Daddy A Go Go is clearly the coolest dad in the carpool line. -- BRET LOVE (Thanks GMM & BL) ATLANTA MUSIC GUIDE - Here's why Atlanta's John Boydston, AKA Daddy A Go Go, is important for America: While the tinny tunes of Kindermuusik and The Wiggles prepare our little ones for the sexed up, but equally soulless, Rebecca Black or Justin Bieber, Daddy A Go Go plays rock 'n' roll. He plays real guitars, and his sidekick, Rev. Walt Brewer, bangs on actual drums instead of producing a beat out of a computer. Daddy A Go Go introduces kids into the wonder of rock 'n' roll. It helps them to appreciate real music. And while a lot of other musicians, such as Peter Himmelman, They Might Be Giants, Jason Ringenberg and Asylum Street Spankers, have since joined the bandwagon of creating music that doesn't talk down to kids musically, Boydston's been doing it for 13 years. And for that, all us parents, who would rather staple our ears shut rather than listen to another Raffi song, owe him a debt of gratitude. This is great stuff that will make kids want to pick up a guitar rather than watch High School Musical for the 95th time. And for that, John Boydston, parents everywhere say, "Thank you." - Al Kaufman, Atlanta Music Guide (Thank You Al) Bob Etier @ Technorati.Com - I finally figured out why I had to listen to Daddy A Go Go's Grandkid Rock five times before I could write about it. It rocks! Once a review is written, it's time to move on to the next thing, and for the past three days, I haven't wanted to move on to the next thing-this thing is too much fun. Most of the kids' music artists that I've reviewed record a variety of genres on their albums, and that's a good thing. However, rockin' kids need music to rock to, and Daddy A Go Go is pure rock. Throughout Grandkid Rock one hears echoes of the Rolling Stones, T-Rex, Devo, and other great bands. One cut, "You're Not the Bossa Nova Me," sounds like it's right off a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack. Daddy A Go Go (John Boydston) entertains with infectious beats and witty wordplay, and may even have listeners checking their reference sources (aka Google. It's unlikely that Grandkid Rock was meant to be educational, but it inspired the question, "Do they still make PF Flyers?" That, of course, became a research project) - Bob Etier, Technorati.com From Myles McDonnell, the former Children's Media Editor at the late great Cookie Magazine: "Like most "best of" compilations, the result is an ideal way for the uninitiated to get a taste of what the artist is all about. In the case of Daddy a Go Go, that's good old classic rock-'n-roll with a decidedly southern bent, reminiscent of everyone from George Thorogood and Neil Young to early R.E.M and (I'm about to date myself once more) the Georgia Satellites, with tinges of '90s alternative bands like Cracker and Belly thrown in for good measure. The lyrics are the typical kid-topical, though Boydston keeps his tongue firmly in cheek throughout (e.g., song titles like "For Those About to Walk, We Salute You"). But whether he's keeping the kids happy by singing about finishing vegetables or embarking on a rockin' cover of "What a Wonderful World," parents will be thrilled to find that they're doing a little head-nodding to these songs, too. - Myles McDonnell on his Family Entertainment Blog, You Know, For Kids. From Shakefire.com "...serious when it comes to rocking out. Enjoy." Daddy A Go Go is surprisingly a band that's been around for awhile making music for kids. Their latest release, Grandkid Rock, spans their six album history playing as a best of collection on topics ranging anywhere from baseball to adults watching cartoons but all done with no particular point other then to have a good time. For a band that doesn't take life too seriously when it comes to injecting lessons into their music, rather just everyday stuff that kids can really find common ground on, the band is serious when it comes to rocking out. This is without a doubt a band lead by the power of their lead guitarist and multi instrumentalist John Boydston. On vocals Boydston is a cross between Tom Petty, Roger Meade Clyne, and The Reverend Horton Heat. His guitar style reflects these comparisons as well. Yeah, I know. The Rev? Just listen to the track Big Rock Rooster and you'll see the comparison as well. Overall, musically, the sound of the album is your working class rock band type. Not to flashy but could probably give Chuck Berry a run for his money. Lyrically, as I said, you won't find any school lesson substance. This is the part of a kids life that's all about free time, baseball, cartoons, world views from a kids perspective. As we drove into the next town to pick up our new pet I had the CD on for the kids, I had already listened to it by myself three or four times, and their reactions to it were great with lots of giggling and no complaints when the CD ended and turned over to begin again. With the inclusion of such classics as Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah and What Wonderful World even parents have something they can relate to but as far as listening to the album again and again. No problem. I am in love with the guitar sound on this album. Definitely not just for the kids. Enjoy." - AJ Garcia, Shakefire.com Why does the music of Daddy a Go Go resonate so positively with the young'uns? I have a pretty good idea. These songs are simply FUN. That's a quality that should be a given with music aimed at kids, but I've noticed in some circles there's an adult tendency to try to hammer home important messages or teach big lessons or over-intellectualize matters to the point where the fun is sometimes an afterthought. Such concerns don't weigh down loony tunes like "Eat Every Bean and Pea," "Ants in My Pants," "For Those About to Walk (We Salute You)" or the others compiled on this album, and that's exactly why the ornery boy inside me loves 'em so much. They're giddy and goofy, full of stupid puns and silly jokes, ridiculous rhymes and funny offhand references that may or may not fly over the head of any given six-year-old, but it do
Artiste: Daddy a Go Go

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