Great Display piece consists of 12 pince nez sample glasses.  Pince-nez is a style of glasses, popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, that are supported without earpieces, by pinching the bridge of the nose. The name comes from French pincer, "to pinch", and nez, "nose". 
Thanks Wikipedia - I was trying to look up Prince Nez - my bad.    

These have 2 little levers, one on each side, that you squeeze together.  They have a spring action that grips the bridge of your nose when released.  I always wondered how they stayed on  - maybe Prince Nez took the secret to his grave!

The case has some wear but is intact.  The lenses are clear and one or two have slight damage but there are 2 extra lenses.  All in all a nifty display piece for your oddity trophy cabinet.

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