Fantastic letters and content - a small piece of well-preserved fabric from 1887.

#213 tied by violet 4-ring target cancel and “PHARSALIA NOV 23 NY” CDS. Addressed to ‘Mrs. Gardner Bosworth, Eaton, Madison Co., NY’. Two black backstamps: 1. Norwich NY NOV 23 1887 transit; 2. Eaton NOV 23 receiver.

Contents: 1. The original letter from Nov 1887 and a small piece of black, shear fabric with polka dots (amazing survived together), and a second letter, same correspondence, dated 1885.

First letter, written by Ellen, opens with “Well mother I guess you think that we are all dead or have forgotten you….”, goes on to say that “Charles killed the pig today weighed 218 he says tell uncle John that he would like some money…”,

Also mentions Charles called to Jury Duty in North Pharsalia (even back then you got called to serve!). Ends with more family updates.

See Scan and Good Luck!