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Thought-force in business and everyday life

Autore: Atkinson William Walker

Titolo: Thought-force in business and everyday life

Editore: Youcanprint

Pagine: 98

Ean: 9791221466102

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


In most people's minds, the term Personal Magnetism conveys the idea of a current radiating from the person of the magnetic individual, drawing to itself all those within the radius of its magnetic force. This idea, although erroneous on the whole, nevertheless contains within it the germ of real truth. There is a current of attractive force radiating from man, but it is not a magnetic force to the extent that the term "magnetism" implies any connection with magnet or electricity. The human magnetic current, while having some resemblance to these two familiar forces in its effects, has no real connection with them as far as its origin or intrinsic nature is concerned.What we call Personal Magnetism is the subtle current of thought-waves, or thought-vibrations, projected by the human mind. Every thought created by our mind is a force of greater or lesser intensity, varying in strength according to the impulse given to it at the time of its creation.


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