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Titolo: Wind And Wuthering
Condizione: Nuovo
Description: AMAZON
On this 1976 album, the group's second after Phil Collins took over lead vocal duties from Peter Gabriel, Genesis continues to make art-rock that's both accessible and emotional, if less overly quirky than with the Gabriel-fronted lineup. The extended epics "Eleventh Earl of Mar" and "One for the Vine" showcase the group's still-sharp progressive instincts, while "Wot Gorilla?" and "All in a Mouse's Night" demonstrate a gently eccentric sense of humor. Meanwhile, the lilting love song "Your Own Special Way" presages the string of romantic ballads that would soon make Genesis a world-class hit machine. --Scott Schinder
Tipo: CD
Etichetta discografica: Import
Title Format: CD
Data d'uscita: 17/09/2012
Genere: Rock
Lingua: inglese
Artista: Genesis
Numero di dischi: 1
EAN: 0075678269028
Paese di origine: Canada
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

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