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Ruggles Spray On Reproofer 5 Litre Refill - Waterproofing for Horse/Pony Rugs

Ruggles Spray On Reproofer 5 Litre Refill - Waterproofing for Horse/Pony Rugs

  • £65.99
Spray On Re-Proofer 5 Litre Refill

The spray on re-proofer 5 litre refill is an ideal choice if you already have a 1 litre bottle with a spray gun and have multiple rugs or other items that need reproofing.   There is a 1L and 1L refill bottle also available within the range.

This re-proofer can be used on many fabrics but we are selling with the focus on reproofing water repellent Lycra hoods, body suits and turnout rugs – it is extremely effective and water ‘beads’ from the items once treated. 

The spray will also work on clothing, tents etc that need reproofing.  Extend the lifespan of your rugs and other outdoor equipment such as rucksacks, tents, hiking gear and caravan awnings.  It can even be used on waterproof clothing and footwear.

For best results, lay the item on a flat surface and spray directly on to the item and allow to air dry. Full instructions are printed on the bottle.

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