15 (about 6")  fresh Katuk Cuttings Asparagus Sweet Leaf Sauropus Androgynus Spinach
 Rau Bồ Ngót ( Vietnames) 
Buyer get 15 cutting similar in the first photo ( photo shows 10 but dont worry, you will get 15) . We cut them on the morning of day we ship.

After you got it put  bottom of them in water about 10 -12 hours then plant them in the pot at later afternoon and keep pot in shade place, no direct sunny. 

2 last picture shows my rooting pot after 3 weeks , they starting new leaves :  use all purpose sand ( 6-7 part of 10 , top soil 3-4 part of 10 mix them together and put in pot, use a small stick make 10 hole 2.5" deep then careful put cutting bottom down and make dirt tight around them,  water the pot wet then put the pot under the tree ( shade place )  no direct sunny, but need natural light  also put a plastic bag on top, sometime check the dirt if it getting dry, need water again. after few weeks  it will starting new leaves / branches.  From there you can remove the bag . wait for few more week when more leaves and branches coming  and leaves getting dark green, careful transfer them to new pot with top soil, or plant them in ground. Just keep remember check the dirt sometime, and water if need , alway keep soil moist ( NOT too wet or dry).
Plant cutting you will get veggies in few month, plant from seeds will take very long time. 

Organic grow:

 We plant our own veggies, We have double lot land so we have big back, front and side yard. We do not use fertilizer, We do not use weed killer or bugs killer in our land, we pick weeds, cut grass, trim Hedges and put them  in compost bins  to make compost to feed our plants, you can see few big bin in picture, and we use organic products to make container soil.

Please keep  an eye on the tracking , get them in cool place right when USPS delivery them ( Mail box is too hot in summer, and too cold in winter) 
Thank you !