VETERANS  STAND  FOR  JUSTICE  embroidered patch has white text against a black twill background, approximately 5" x 2" (127mm x 51mm),  with the eleven colors of the Quasar Progress Flag as ‘service ribbons’.  It has an 'iron-on backing', but stitching is strongly recommended.


I love America. 


No, not in the flag-waving, foaming-at-the-mouth reactionary way MAGAts and so-called 'Proud Boys' claim to, but with the quiet belief, nurtured by history and civics lessons, in what America COULD be and HAS been in its finest hours.  The America that was founded on principles of representation, free speech, a free press and strict separation between Church and State.  The America that spent the first two hundred years of its existence groping and fumbling toward the ideal its founders espoused: that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness were the birthright of every citizen.  The America that poured its youth, talent and treasure into beating back the existential threat of fascism in two global wars.  The America that sent 101st Airborne Division paratroopers to Little Rock, Arkansas, to ensure the safety of an African American child as she entered a formerly segregated school.  The America whose Supreme Court decided Griswold v. Connecticut, Loving v. Virginia, Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges.  The America that came together in the wake of Pearl Harbor and 9/11, not to make war (although that followed) but to mourn our losses and heal our national hearts.  The America that watched breathlessly as Jessica McClure was rescued from a West Texas well; as Chilean miners were rescued from a tunnel collapse; as teenaged footballers and their coach were rescued from a flooded cave in Thailand.  The America that elected the first African American President; the first female, African American and South Asian American Vice-President; the first openly gay U.S. Representative (Gerry Studds) and first openly lesbian U.S. Senator (Tammy Baldwin, who was also the first openly lesbian U.S. Representative); the first openly bisexual Governor (Kate Brown of Oregon); the first lesbian Governor (Maura Healey of Massachusetts); and the first openly trans state legislators:  Danica Roem of Virginia’s House of Delegates and Sarah McBride of Delaware’s State Senate….


Yeah, that America.  That’s the America I love, and that’s the America I vowed to serve and defend as a seventeen-year-old kid.  When our nation was at war, I stood up for freedom….


….but now our nation is neck-deep in a different kind of war – a war against trans people, against the LGBTQ+ community as a whole, against women’s reproductive rights, against common decency and fair play – and I’m standing up again.  This time I’m standing for justice, and I want the haters and MAGAts and neo-fascists supporting Trump and DeSantis and the rest of the far-right wingnuts to KNOW that. 


So I designed this patch and had some made.  I couldn’t be certain anyone else might be interested, so I ordered a very small batch.  As a result, I didn’t get any of the price breaks one gets when ordering larger numbers of patches, and these are pricier than my other patches.


However, as with my 'PROTECT TRANS KIDS' patches, I'm not in this to make money.  Hence, these patches are on offer at exactly the price I’m paying for them, and will (as with my other patches) ship free of charge within these United States.  They measure 5” wide by 2” tall – just the right size to stitch above the breast pocket of a Levi’s jacket or your favorite work or fatigue shirt, a hat or backpack, you name it.  I've added mine to both my riding vests, and wear them proudly.  The patches even come with an ‘iron-on backing’, although I strongly recommend stitching just to be on the safe side.


The patches are now in stock.  There are only a few available, and purchases will be fulfilled in the order received.


As always, contact me if you have any questions, and keep fighting the good fight!

Keywords:  LGBTQ+, trans, queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, social justice, justice, equality, equal rights.