Star Wars Action Figure - Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) First Original Release and Face Paint - 1998 Episode 1 The Phantom Menace

AFA 75+


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Darth Maul Jedi Duel Notes:

- The intended vest color for each Darth Maul release is gray. Most of the
variants below have a black vest version that is an unpainted vest production
error. The black vest version is always the more rare and the value is usually
significantly higher.

- There are 2 different head variants in the Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) release.
The first one is slightly larger and the black face paint designs are different.
The black line face paint details are thinner and the yellow/orange eye color
is more apparent. The second head version is slightly smaller and the black
line face paint details are bolder. The second version also will have black
triangular shapes under the nose and the eye color is mostly yellow and does
not fill the white area of the eyes as much.

- There are 2 different C#'s. The first is: C-031A and the second is C-031D.
This number can be found at the bottom of the card back, next to the "MADE
IN CHINA" text.

- The card numbers for Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) are as followsin order of release:
558452.00, 558452.0100 & 565920.0000. The 558452.00 card number is a rarity
in the Episode 1 releases as most of the decimal points are followed by 4
numbers, rather than 2.

- There are 2 different Asst. No.s. The are both found on the bottom right
corner of the card front to the left of the Hasbro logo and one is printed
on top of the other. The first 2 are printed as: Asst. NO. 84085 and beneath
that number; 84088.
The second 2 are printed as: Asst. NO. 84085 and beneath;

- The .0000 card number has a variant that has a white COMMTech chip background
instead of the regular hologram background. The white variant is specified
in the list, but the hologram background chips are not. This is due to the
assumption that they are hologram unless otherwise stated.

- There are 3 different ways a card UPC symbol was released. These are found
in the lower, left-hand corner on the card back. The first version is printed
as: 0 76281 84088 8. The second version is a sticker over the first with
a new UPC number printed as: 0 76930 84523 3. The third version is printed
on the card and is the same UPC number as the stickered version.

_X_ .00, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst NO.'s are: 84085 & 84088

___ .00, vest is gray, second head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst NO.'s are: 84085 & 84088
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s
___ .0100, vest is gray, second head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, first UPC #, first Asst NO.s
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, sticker w/new UPC #, first Asst NO.s
___ .0000, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.'s printed are: 84085 & 84523
___ .0000, vest is gray, second head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.s
___ .0000, vest is gray, second head, COMMTech chip background is white, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.s
___ .00, first head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.'s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0100, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, vest is black, (pe)
___ .0100, second head version, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, first UPC #, first Asst NO.s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, backwards skirt (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, missing black paint on lightsaber rings (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, missing black nose paint (pe)
___ .0000, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, # next to MIC is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.'s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0000, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.'s, lightsaber is missing
___ .0000, second head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst No.s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0000, second head, COMMTech chip background is white, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.s, vest is black (pe)