Book Warfare is fast outpacing the Warfighter. This gap has to be bridged through a transformed PME. Professional Military Education Making for the 21st Century Warrior is an objective introspection of the military education system which ruthlessly identifies the shortcomings and comprehensively suggests solutions for fixing the roots and bridging the gap. The book addresses the challenges to prevail in the struggle between ‘military managing the change and change managing the military’. It builds on new ideas, a reoriented PME model, realigned focus and reformed structures. It seeks to overcome the legacy cultural barriers, bureaucratic lethargy, civil-military silos and conformist mindsets.The suggested PME model envisions developing future joint warfighters with a scientific temper, adept in the art and science of warfare, who think strategically, are empowered intellectually and can creatively apply military power to achieve combat overmatch under disruptive conditions of uncertainty and an accelerated rate of change in a multi-domain operational environment. The research by the author is essentially focused on the Indian PME, yet will be of immense value to militaries across the globe to meet the challenges of the 21st century.