Terracotta Garden Watering Ollas

Great water saving idea, used all around the world in arid conditions.
Bury the olla in the ground next to your plant, bush or tree and fill with water.
Water seeps through the terracotta at a steady rate depending on how
wet the soil is. Your plant will only take what it needs from the soil
so if the soil is too wet the olla will not transmit more water into the soil
keeping the soil at an even moisture level.

You can go on holiday knowing that your plants will not run out of water!

Comes in 3 sizes, 1L or 2L bulb shaped or a 4L tube shaped, all have a flat pot lid.
Protect from frost and freezing in winter or remove from ground to prevent frost damage

Postage included in price.

Note the lids may not match the olla in colour but after starting to use it probably will not be apparent