Atista Indica(Mother Tincture)

Common Name: Ash sheora, Glycosmis pentaphylla, Ati- Ind 

Causes & Symptoms for Atista Indica

Mind and Head

Weak memory; indifferent mood indicates Atista Indica.

Pain in one temple at a time with vertigo in the morning.

Eyes, ear, nose

Useful in trembling of light before eyes, after sleep.

For humming sound in the ear it gives a relief

Atista Indica is used in epistaxis (nosebleed), dried cold and catarrh.

Mouth and Throat

Bleeding gums; dull pains at the root of the teeth.

Inflammation of the tonsils after the increased or rise of body temperature.

Stomach and abdomen

Constant spitting in the morning with occasional belching of salty water;flatulence temporarily relieved by eructations.

Frequent eructation after a meal; heart-burnt 3-4 hours after food is relieved with Atista Indica.

Colicky pain round the naval, drawing pain in the renal region.

Stool and Anus

Pale earthly stool; bloody mucous stool with or without force indicates this remedy. 

Urinary complaints

It relieves the electric-like throbbing pains in urethra. 

Male complaints

Early semen discharging at night due to over excitement.


Atista Indica relieves the heaviness and numbness in the legs. 


It is used in bilious complaints, cough, worms, jaundice and increased temperature of body.

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