2 pack

  9" icelandic Sheep Hair Glow Fly Pike Muskie Stripers Peacock Bass

2-Rainbow Trout  pattern.

3D glow in the dark soft molded eyes.

Glow in the dark flash tied on inside of fly and UV flash to create an subtle inner glow.

4/0  black chrome hook.

Very durable icelandic sheep hair

On the retrieve the natural icelandic Sheep Hair undulates through the water.  When paused, the Sheep Hair is still moving. Wispy thin hair is extremely durable like a synthetic material.

When fish are lethargic or in a negative mood, this fly, moved slowly, entices fish to bite.

I use quality components to create a durable and effective big fish fly.

If you have any questions , let me know and I'll get back to you.

I would appreciate knowing what specie s you will be targeting.