The Inergetix CoRe System is the easiest and the most efficient informational and energy biofeedback system available. It includes a software program and hardware devices to evaluate a client’s current emotional, mental, physical and energetic status and then it has the capabilities to balance the client from a multidimensional point of view. The very- fast and advanced analysis gets at the core of the issue allowing the client to immediately receive a treatment through specific information broadcasting and frequencies broadcasting using sound, electromagnetism, light and colour using the various hardware devices.

The Inergetix System has three basic configurations, all independent and interconnectable, for three different approaches, so that they can be combined according to the specific needs of the therapist.

Two configurations are for Exogenous treatments (IS and FS) and one for Endogenous treatments (BRS), to approach the client from both internal and external point of view.

Largest database
Comprehensive database with over 110,000 evaluation resonances grouped in modules as from Acupuncture to Veterinary, from Organs to Homeopathy, from Emotions to Relationships etc..Over 8,000 disease specific frequencies (Rife and Clark databases) for over 1,100 conditions. The most complete selection of advanced client-specific frequency sequences (like Fibonacci or Solfeggio sequence, Binaural Tones, different Musical Scales, Harmonic Interferences…)
Makes the Inergetix CoRe System the best in the market, the first of its generation, with the highest potential.

Managing Clients and Optimizing your practice
Because you can use each system independently, several clients can be treated simultaneously, reducing analysis time and making your practice efficient as results and giving a high return on the initial investment.
Manuals and Training
There are many courses available (basic, intermediate, advanced, individual, national and international) that provide permanent and continuous training kept by physicians, therapists and bio-engineers in a multidisciplinary and integrated approach. All systems are provided with complete technical and protocol manuals with full descriptions of this new effective approach. A new integrated video-training platform allows easy and complete e-learning.

Evaluation and Treatment
The Inergetix CoRe System is an evaluation system but it is mainly a treatment system. Compared to other devices it not only unfolds the principles of the informational level, but also seamlessly integrates the technology to deliver this information with highly specific physical energy treatments, which immediately stimulate healing improvements for each client.

Modular and scalable system
Each system can work independently. It is possible to start from a single basic system and add further components depending on your own needs and interests.

Easily customizable database
The CoRe system is open and customizable beyond the standard database. This can be done in virtually unlimited ways, it can quickly and easily be adapted to complement and enhance any type of practice.

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Also I can answer for yours questions about system.

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