Angelique Pettyjohn (from Star Trek) stars in this trippy, Sci-Fi movie about a futuristic society
aka Porno Leckereien / Porno-Treat / Sexy Goodie / Sexy Treat
NTSC signal for any US / CANADA standard DVD player
An American/British co-production in English language
runningtime :   86 min.
aspect :    widescreen

In this futuristic world, free-love is encouraged but erotica from the '60s is forbidden. A group of rebels gets together in a secret place to watch banned films (which include The Vacuum Salesman and Three Virgins) while they get high and pine over the lost values [ie, lack of fun and adventure] in their current amoral society..
director: Paul Rapp with Michael Cort (director of ZETA ONE)
starring: Angelique Pettyjohn · Charlese Jones · Bunny Allister · Julie Connors · David Westberg