Shohonyama  Nakayama Awasedo  Kato Mine  Natural Whetstone


This product is a whetstone collected at the Kato Mine in Nakayama, Kyoto Prefecture.
This product is stamped with the seal of the Kyoto Grinding Wheel Sales Cooperative Association, indicating that it is an authorized product.
Nakayama Awasedo is a finishing stone with a fine grain size and hardness.
It can also be used as a finishing whetstone for all types of blades, including kitchen knives, knives, chisels, carving knives, and razors.
This product is brand new.
The suji does not hit the blade.
This is Nakayama's standard hardness.
Note: This is based on the seller's personal feeling, so please judge the condition of the item by looking at the photos only. 

Grain size: 8000 to 12000
Strata: Suita
Hardness: Level 4/5
Weight: 705g
Dimensions:135mm 76mm 29mm