Souvenir sheet of ESTONIA 2004 - Spring flowers./291-17.03.04

This stamp continus to be valid for postage until 1 January 2014.

Postage stamps with dual nominal value in EEK and EUR are still valid, and all postage stamps with a face value of EEK can be used by converting with the official exchange rate of Bank of Estonia 1 euro = 15.6466 kroon. Postage stamps with dual value (EEK/EUR) are valid indefinitely; postage stamps with a face value of EEK are valid until the of January 2014.

The souvenir sheet consists of four stamps each featuring a spring flower growing in Estonian woods. The violet (Viola) is a genus of flowering herbs of about 500 species. Fifteen species grow naturally in Estonia. The species pictured in the stamp, the common dog-violet (Viola riviniana), can be seen flowering on moist soils in woods and in wooded meadows from the middle of May. The anemone (Anemone) is a genus of poisonous perennials from the family Ranunculacae and it has nearly 150 species all growing in the northern hemisphere. The flowers are simple, mostly with white or blue petals and grow singly at the tip of high stem. The wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa) blossoms in Estonian woods in the early spring. The hepatica (Hepatica) is a genus (family Ranunculaceae) of perennials of about ten species from the family Ranunculacae and it has about 10 species in the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. In Estonia the mostly blue flowers of the common hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) open in the early spring in decisious and mixed forests. The plant is poisonous before the growth of new leaves and has been used in folk medicine in earlier times. The globeflower (Trollius) is another genus of perennials from the family Ranunculaceae; there are 25 species mainly growing in the Arctic and temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. The common globeflower (Trollius europaeus) pictured in the stamp mainly grows in the meadows and wooden meadows of mainland Estonia. Globeflowers are poisonous plants.

Shipping and handling: International regular mail - 3.50$ Registered mail is 8.50$

Combined shipping available - NO extra charge for additional stamps/ FDCs.