Chinese young businessman gets romantically involved with a Danish girl, played by Birte Tove
original Chinese title: DAN MA JIAO WA
aka Denmark Angels
NTSC playable on any standard US/Canada DVD machine 
ATTENTION !!!!  European & Australian PAL machine or PAL Blu-ray won't play this disc.
a Hong Kong/Danish co-production film with optional English subtitles
screen aspect:     widescreen
duration:      88 min.  (Uncut / Uncensored version)
director:      Chi Lu
starring:      Ching Lee (Li Ching) · Birte Tove · Hua Tsung · Karen Yeh (Karen Yip) · Ole Søltoft · Ulla Jessen · Julia Sali

plot & guide :    Kwok-Chuen, the son of a bigshot businessman in Hong Kong, is sent to Copenhagen in an attempt to seal a deal for daddy's company. The young man gets romantically involved with a Danish girl, Ann Charlotte (Birte Tove).