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Titolo: Self-Portraits
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9783836537094
ISBN: 9783836537094
Publisher: Taschen GmbH
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 13/04/2017
Altezza: 260mm
Lunghezza: 210mm
Peso: 589g
Autore: Ernst Rebel
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 3836537095

The self as a subject is one of the most fascinating and fruitful of artistic enterprises. From the 15th century to today, this collection brings together some of the best examples of self-portraiture to explore the genre’s evolution over the centuries as well as the enduring questions of selfhood and self-representation that have besieged human experience for centuries before social media and the selfie.Is a self-portrait of an artist a medium of reflection? Or is it merely a black void, the “false mirror,” as the Surrealist René Magritte entitled his 1928 painting of an eye? How much does it impart about contemporary notions of beauty, power, and status? From Albrecht Dürer to Egon Schiele, Fra Filippo Lippi to Frida Kahlo, this far-reaching collection explores the numerous ways in which artists have taken themselves as subjects, the variety of ingenious methods and perspectives they have used, and the intriguing questions they raise.

Paese di origine: DE
Serie: Basic Art
Genere: Arts & Photography
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

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