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Titolo: The Never Taken Images
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9783039420919
ISBN: 9783039420919
Publisher: Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 01/09/2022

The Never-Taken Images documents a unique long-term project that Swiss photographers Françoise and Daniel Cartier have been pursuing since 1998. They have put together a vast collection of unfixed photographic papers, glass negatives, and films, mostly dating from 1880 to 1990. Samples of these are mounted and displayed, and, exposed to light over the course of several exhibitions, evolve towards colour saturation. Instead of looking at still images, the Cartiers’ installations, titled Wait and See, allow the viewers to perceive a kind of reality for themselves.

The book features on around 100 pages the entire test catalogue that the Cartiers have put together to date, showing some 900 different papers and photosensitive supports. These facsimiles offer an almost real impression of their formats, colours, and materiality. Essays by Kathrin Schönegg, photo historian and curator, Thilo Koenig, scholar of art history and critic, and Christophe Brandt, former director of the Institute for the Conservation of Photographs at the University of Neuchâtel, supplement the images and place the Wait and See project in the art historical and technological context of abstract media art.

The Never-Taken Images also celebrates the industrially manufactured photo-sensitive support, representing the long central pre-digital period in the history of photography.

Text in English, French and German.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: CH
Altezza: 305mm
Lunghezza: 240mm
Peso: 1429g
Genere: Arts & Photography
Title Format: Paperback
Autore: No Author
ISBN-10: 3039420917
Contribuyente: (Edited by)
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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