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Titolo: The Children
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Blu-ray
EAN: 0814456021898
Genere: Horror
Description: Something is terrifyingly wrong with the children of Ravenback. After their school bus passes through a mysterious cloud of yellow smoke, the children are are transformed into bloodthirsty zombies with black fingernails which burn anything they touch. As parents and unwitting townspeople are burned to a crisp, the local police force frantically searches for the missing kids, unaware of their new and deadly powers... Shot back to back with FRIDAY THE 13th, and sharing some of the same crew, Max Kalmanowicz's THE CHILDREN is an outrageous and fun drive-in horror classic. Featuring an eerie score from Harry Manfredini (FRIDAY THE 13th) and produced by Carlton Albright (LUTHER THE GEEK), Vinegar Syndrome brings THE CHILDREN to Blu-ray, newly restored from the best surviving film elements and in it's extended director's cut!
Paese di origine: USA
Marca: Vinegar Syndrome
Lingua: inglese
Regia: Max Kalmanowicz
Attore: Martin Shakar, Gil Rogers, Gale Garnett, Shannon Bolin, Tracy Griswold
Certificato: MPAA R
Numero di dischi: 2
Tempo di esecuzione: 1 hour and 33 minutes
Codice regionale: Blu-ray A (AMR, SE ASIA)
Title Format: Blu-ray

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