
OBD Analyzer CAN Analyzer K-line Analyzer KWP2000 Listening OBD Development Tool


The following is a screenshot of the newly developed upper computer software

1.Listening standardCANdata,The picture showsISO15765 CANListening data

2.extendCANdata,The picture showsISO15765 CANListening extensionsCANdata

3.KLine data listening,The picture showsISO14230 KWP2000 Data listening

4.KLine data listening.ISO14230 KWP2000data The preceding data is the process of address activation 55Detection rate KW1 KW2 KW2Reverse70Give the car,Car replyCCConfirm successful activation!

5.KLine data listening,ISO9141data,This data is notKWP2000Formatted,with68 6Ainquiry 48 6Breply。Common in Jetta Japanese car series Mitsubishi engine BYD and other cars。


6.KLine data listening with time interval,The time interval between bytes is marked,Time interval between frame data,helpOBDDevelopers master accurate timing,The written program will not fail due to time problems。

6.Send the intercepted data to the car Verify the validity of the command

The following is the source code display,Provide the source code of all upper and lower computers,No library,Completely open source, not hidden!

1.Host computer source code VS2010Platform writing,Provision of complete works Packaging project source code

2,STM32Source code Hardware MCU source code,Complete project Completely open source。Technical questions can teach you,How to play!

The following are the instructions before updating the software!

OBDInterface analyzer Is integrationCANAnalyzer andKIntegrated products of line analyzer,Is developmentOBDProduct tools,such as Window lifter Locking device Trip computer,Remote automotive diagnosis and other products。CANThe analysis function is targetedOBDAutomatic rate identification and double filtering of rateID。Remote control status,Vehicle speed status,It is convenient to analyze various vehicle conditions,meanwhileSupport single lineCANListen。Support double lineCANData transmission。KLine analysis,Complete presentationKWP2000agreement,Single point agreement, etc,The time interval between bytes and data packets can be presented.Write for youKLine protocol provides strong data support,Ensure the stability of developed products。


WhyCANThe analyzer is not enough,according toUDS ISO14229Standard of,The situation of various automobile manufacturers is gradually moving towards unity,The current models are domestic Or a joint venture car。KThe line occupies half of the country。UDS ISO14229CoveredCANandKDefinition of line。





Let's look at the product features。



1.CANRate auto retrieve listen(be based onOBDInterfacedCAN)

2.standardCANData filter listening

3.extendCANData filter listening

4.standardCANData transmission

5.extendCANData transmission

6.KLine data listening

KThe line listening function can be really seenKWP2000data Interaction with cars

KLine data communication,The time interval is designed for usOBDproduct,Provides a strict time reference,Ensure the stability of the product。


CANAutomatic rate identification,Very convenient and easy!

CANIdentifier dual filter,locationIDListen,do as one wishes!



