A set of 4 beautifully designed 25mm pin badges, inspired by quotes from the acclaimed Disney TVA series, Gravity Falls!
(Also available on Etsy!)

"Hey you. It's me, your old pal, Grunkle Stan! You ever noticed how freakin' hilarious things are when they're taken out of context? It turns out that includes the words me and my family say, with our mouths! So I took some absolutely hilarious pieces of word salad from the kids, Soos and I and slammed them onto a set of our badges, so you can wear the world's most bizarre out of context quotes and make people wonder 'hey, what's the context here?' - hilarious!

The four designs are:
All wrapped in a little plastic baggy with an exclusive, hand-designed card by some shlubby limey artist. He'll even do a doodle on the envelope, like some kinda weird signature dealy.

These 25mm badges all feature quotes from the acclaimed Disney TV series, and lovingly manufactured by an artisan team (and definitely not Soos during his lunch breaks). They feature a D-pin closure and are printed in vivid full colour, so it's just like those fancy movies they've got these days!

Even better, we guarantee that none of this money is going to a sinister cartoon mouse, and that they're definitely not S&P approved!

I even modelled one myself. I uh - I got shrunk by a crystal in the forest. Don't worry about it."