New Polish lavvu poncho - size 4 - for a soldier 190 - 200 cm tall - a perfect reproduction of the original Polish poncho with proportional enlargement for a larger height, color - green (khaki, olive) The new poncho uses a modern synthetic waterproof polyester material (with a structure similar to the original) that meets the DIN 4102 standard, flammability class B1 - a flame retardant fabric, resistant to fire sparks It is additionally impregnated, which increases its effectiveness and increases fire safety, the poncho is light - one poncho weighs approx. 1 kg Year of manufacture - 2023 The subject of the auction are two such new ponchos and two racks from the warehouse - the same as for the original ponchos - two or three tubes and four pins in khaki or navy blue linen cover Two such laaavvu ponchos - it's one big tent - size 4 has 4 metal wheels Shipping - all countries in the world Shipping to Australia - by sea - by ship - long transit time (two - three months) - $23, air shipping - in two packages - up to 2 kg each - total - $77 Note: Unpack carefully