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Print Specifics:
  • Type of print: Wood engraving or Xylograph - Original antique print "... designed by the most celebrated artists."
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - actual: 1875
  • Publisher: D. Appleton & Co, 549 and 551 Broadway
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair)
  • Dimensions: 9.5 x 13 inches (24 x 33 cm), including blank margins (borders) around the images.
  • Paper weight: 3 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Notes: 
    • Green color around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed.
    • The print detail is sharper than the photo of the print.
Original Narrative: View on the Tiber, with Cloaca Maxima, Temple of Vesta (center) and S. Giorgio (right)  From numerous and unquestionable authorities it appears that the TEMPLE OF VESTA stood in the Forum; and, moreover, that there was not more than one temple dedicated  to that goddess in the city. It is said, also, that the passage of Horace is perfectly reconcilable with this hypothesis, since it is known that the floods from the Tiber have occasionally reached the Forum. The opponents of Vesta have bestowed the temple upon Hercules. But amidst the variety of conflicting arguments and proofs, tradition is,  perhaps, the safest guide, and the goddess may fairly be left in possession of the fane over which she has presided for so many centuries.  Whatever disputes may exist with regard to the name of the edifice, one opinion only prevails on the subject of its elegance and beauty. It is a circular building, composed  entirely of Parian marble, with a colonnade, consisting formerly of twenty fluted Corinthian columns, one of which is now wanting. The entablature and the ancient roofs have long since disappeared and instead of the latter, a covering of coarse tiles rests upon and defaces the beautiful pillars of the building. The columns are thirty-five feet high, and the whole circumference of the building is one hundred and seventy feet. Until lately the intercolumnation was filled by a brick wall i but this odious deformity was  removed by the French. Within the colonnade is a circular cella of white marble, the stones of which are so skillfully joined as to give to the whole the appearance of one   mass. It was consecrated, as a christian church, to St. Stephen, and afterwards to the Madonna, under the title of "La Madonna del Sole."
[NOTE: SAN GiORGIO IN VELABRO was originally founded  as a deaconry in the 7C, the church was rebuilt and enlarged by Pope Gregory IV (827-44). Since its restoration in 1926 San  Giorgio in Velabro has recaptured the charm of the Roman churches of the Middle Ages. The facade, the porch and the bell tower date from the 12C. The interior has a monumental simplicity. In the Middle Ages Rome was poor: builders used existing foundations resulting in asymmetrical designs; columns and capitals were re-employed in  a random manner. The apsidal fresco of Christ flanked by the Virgin and St George, St Peter and St Sebastian is attributed to Pietro Cavallini (1295). CLOACA MAXIMA was ancient Roman sewer, one of the oldest monuments in the Roman Forum. Originally an open channel constructed in the 6th century BC by lining an existing stream bed with stone, it was enclosed,  beginning in the 3rd century BC, with a stone barrel (semicircular) vault. Its primary function was to carry  off storm water from the Forum district to the Tiber, but in Imperial times large public baths and latrines  were connected to it. Much of its original masonry has been replaced by concrete.]
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