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Titolo: Prey on Patmos
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Jeffrey Siger
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1590587685
EAN: 9781590587683
ISBN: 9781590587683
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press
Genere: Fiction
Soggetto: Crime Thrillers & Mystery
Data di pubblicazione: 30/07/2012

"[A] suspenseful trip through the rarely seen darker strata of complex, contemporary Greece." —Publishers Weekly
Saint John wrote the apocalyptic Book of Revelation over 1900 years ago in a cave on Greece's eastern Aegean island of Patmos. Today, on the pristine Aegean peninsula of Mount Athos, isolated from the rest of humanity, twenty monasteries sit protecting the secrets of Byzantium amid a way of life virtually unchanged for more than 1500 years.
When a revered monk from that holy island's thousand-year-old monastery is murdered in Patmos' town square during Easter Week, Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis of Greece's twenty-first century Special Crimes Division is called upon to find the killer before all hell breaks loose.
Andreas' impolitic search for answers brings him face-to-face with a scandal haunting the world's oldest surviving monastic community. He finds that this ancient and sacred refuge harbors some very modern international intrigues that threaten to destroy the very heart of the Church.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 216mm
Lunghezza: 140mm
Serie: Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis Mysteries
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

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