Bombay in the days of Queen Anne being an account of the settlement ...With an introduction and notes by Samuel T.Sheppard ...To which is added Burnell's Narrative of his adventures in Bengal. With an introduction by Sir William Foster ... and notes by Sir Evan Cotton and L. M. Anstey

Author: Burnell, John
Title: Bombay in the days of Queen Anne being an account of the settlement ...With an introduction and notes by Samuel T.Sheppard ...To which is added Burnell's Narrative of his adventures in Bengal. With an introduction by Sir William Foster ... and notes by Sir Evan Cotton and L. M. Anstey
Publication: London: Hakluyt Society, 1933

Description: 8vo, pp. xxx, 192; frontispiece map, 2 other maps (1 folding); fine copy in the dust-jacket.

Seller ID: 26965

Subject: Asia, Travel

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