Persia, seu Regni persici status. Variaque itinera in atque per Persiam: cum aliquot iconibus incolarum ... Secunda editio priori auctior ..

Author: Laet, Johannes de
Title: Persia, seu Regni persici status. Variaque itinera in atque per Persiam: cum aliquot iconibus incolarum ... Secunda editio priori auctior ..
Publication: Lvgd. Batav. [i.e. Leiden]: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1647

Description: 24mo, pp. 4 p.l., 364, [11]; engraved title page, 8 full-p. woodcuts showing costume, woodcut initials and ornaments; contemporary full blindstamped calf, double rules on covers, fleurons in the corners and a central arabesque, old paper labels on spine; a few small worm tracks, mostly in the index (sense in all cases remains clear); a nice copy in an unrestored contemporary binding. Laet (1593-1649), Director of the Dutch West Indies Company, composed a series of geographical works to inform clients about the various lands the company did business with. These works were entirely based on published materials and included details on topography, climate, agriculture, religion, customs, government and wealth. First published in 1633. Willems 623; Copinger 1340.

Seller ID: 34284

Subject: Press Books, Travel

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