Ars anatomica. A medical fantasia. Thirteen drawings

Author: Baskin, Leonard
Title: Ars anatomica. A medical fantasia. Thirteen drawings
Publication: New York: printed at the Curwen Press for Editions Medicina Rara, Ltd., [1972]

Description: Edition limited to 2800 copies, this one of 300 (no. CVIII) of the roman numeral copies of the "double suite," issue, signed by Baskin, and printed on specially made paper bearing the watermark of Editions Medicina Rara; large folio, pp. 6 plus 13 biofolia [i.e. 26, as each is present here in duplicate], each with a fantastical anatomical drawing by Baskin; title page printed in red and black; publisher's blue cloth slipcase, printed paper label on upper cover. Fine.

Seller ID: 60061

Subject: Illustrated Books, Medicine, Press Books

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