Notice to mariners. Lights and fog signals to be carried and used by sea-going vessels of Great Britain, to prevent collision. The following official notice ... is republished for the information of mariners. By order of the Light-house Board ... Treasury Department..

Author: Jenkins, Thornton A., Secretary, Light-House Board
Title: Notice to mariners. Lights and fog signals to be carried and used by sea-going vessels of Great Britain, to prevent collision. The following official notice ... is republished for the information of mariners. By order of the Light-house Board ... Treasury Department..
Publication: Washington, D.C. Sept. 6, 1858

Description: Folio broadside (approx. 17" x 11"), text in double column beneath the running head; several small diagrams representing the hulls of ships, highlighted with blue and red directionals; previous folds in sixths, 3 short breaks at the margins; in all, very good. This broadside reprints the notice from the British Admiralty regarding lights and fog signals for steam vessels, sailing vessels, and vessels at anchor, here adopted for the American mariner. Not found in OCLC.

Seller ID: 61004

Subject: Americana, Broadsides, Maritime

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