Specimen historico-literarium de M. Vipsanii Agrippae in rempublicam Romanam meritis, quod ... pro gradu doctoratus summisque in philosophia theoretica et literis humanioribus honoribus ... in Academia Lugduno-Batava ... solenni examini submittet Didericus Van Lankeren Matthes

Author: Van Lankeren Matthes, Dirk
Title: Specimen historico-literarium de M. Vipsanii Agrippae in rempublicam Romanam meritis, quod ... pro gradu doctoratus summisque in philosophia theoretica et literis humanioribus honoribus ... in Academia Lugduno-Batava ... solenni examini submittet Didericus Van Lankeren Matthes
Publication: Amstelaedami: apud P. N. Van Kampen, 1841

Description: 8vo, pp. ix, [1], 98; original terracotta printed wrappers; some toning of the text, else near fine. A historical-literary specimen of the merits of M. Vipsanius Agrippa in the Roman republic, which ... for the degree of doctorate and the highest honors in theoretical philosophy and humane literature ... in the Lugduno-Batava Academy ... will be submitted to the solemn examination by Didericus Van Lankeren Matthes An historical look at the merits of Agrippa (ca. 63 BCE - 12 BCE), a Roman general, statesman, and architect who was a close friend, son-in-law, and lieutenant to the Roman emperor Augustus. He was responsible for the construction of some of the most notable buildings in history, including the original Pantheon, and is well known for his important military victories, notably the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE against the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra (see Wikipedia and the Oxford Classical Dictionaryfor details). He also appears as a character in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, as well as in the BBC series, I Claudius, based on the novel by Robert Graves. OCLC locates only Berkley and Princeton in the U.S.

Seller ID: 61261

Subject: Ancient History, Classical Literature, Literature

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