H.M.S. Victory. Building, restoration & repair

Author: Bugler, Arthur
Title: H.M.S. Victory. Building, restoration & repair
Publication: London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office [at the University Printing House, Cambridge], 1966

Description: First edition, 4to, pp. xix, [1], 382; color frontispiece and 56 plates, 43 drawings, 17 of which are folding and contained in a separate blue cloth folding box; original blue cloth, dust jacket with several short tears; very good and sound. Bookplate of Frederick E. Ellis. Concerning the preservation and restoration of the famous ship to her condition at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Admiral Lord Nelson, England's most famous naval hero, was killed on board at the moment of victory. Arthur Bugler is one of the shipwrights whose skill and conscientious craftsmanship has helped preserve this famous warship for posterity. Laid in is a 16-p. pamphlet "The Conferment of the Honorary Freedom of the City of Portsmouth on the Portsmouth Command of the Royal Navy, 7 May, 1965"; plus a one-page autograph letter signed from the mycologist W. P. K. Findlay dated 6 December, 1966, asking to see Bugler's book on the H.M.S. Victory; and another typed note from the National Maritime Museumat Greenwich regarding carbon-dating of prehistoric ship timbers.

Seller ID: 61650

Subject: Illustrated Books, Maritime, Naval

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