Here is a beautiful antique portrait print made by Hel. Braun & Co. In the late 1800's-early 1900's in France.

Hel. Braun & cie, (cie means Co. in french), was a prominent photographer who along with his sons, used the photograph techniques of the day to reproduce the original artworks of the most important public and private collections in Europe.

The antique wood frame was done by Jordan Marsh High Class Picture Framing in Boston, MA.

The frame is approximately 8.5" x 10.5" (please see photos for ruler measurements to assess size of print).

The number 13606 can be found at the top of the print.

Below the portrait is

Print appears to be in very good condition and the wood frame has some of the blue paint missing in several areas-again please see photos.

It is glassed in and the glass is in good condition also.

I'm not sure why there is another more modern label on the back from "Gallery Northwest" out of Palatine, Illinois but maybe it was taken there to clean and check the frame?

It is a beautiful little piece of history and a reminder of a very sad story.

The portrait was an original painting by Alexandre Kucharski (1741-1819).  He was born in Poland and as a boy he served as a page to the King. The King sent the 19 year old Kucharski to France to continue his study of art and there he became the official portrait painter to the Royals.

The subject of this portrait is the young Louis-Charles Dauphin of France, Duke of Normandy, born March 27, 1785 at the palace of Versailles to parents Louis XVI  King of France and Queen Marie Antoinette.

Louis-Charles died June 8, 1795 at 10 years old of tuberculosis stemming from the neglect and abuse he suffered at the hands of his supposed caregivers in the Temple Prison in Paris, France related to the end of the monarchy during the French revolution.

Hi heart is interred in a crystal urn in the St. Denis Basilica along with his parents remains.

The original painting today hangs at the palace of Versailles, France.

Thank you.